Thank you for your interest.
Just bring the gear you’d like to sell to the show. Once you arrive, you’ll have the chance to consult with dealers who can appraise your unused equipment. You’ll also be able to connect with several experienced vendors to help determine the right price or trade deal for you. If you have a large amount of gear to sell, let us know.
While there are many online options for selling your gear, the process can be time-consuming, risky, and overwhelming—especially if you’re dealing with inherited equipment you're not familiar with. Selling at the show lets you connect with a wide range of knowledgeable buyers all in one place, allowing you to walk away with cash without the hassle of shipping, returns, or hidden fees. It's a fast, simple, and secure way to sell your gear.
While we have regular vendors at each show, we also reserve several tables for individuals with large amounts of gear to sell. If you have enough items that it would be challenging to carry them around and meet with various dealers, renting a table could be right for you. This gives you the opportunity to sell directly to both vendors and other attendees. We often recommend a table for those with extensive collections, retired studio photographers, and others in similar situations. If this sounds like it would benefit you, please fill out the form below.